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Futures Trading 101

Futures trading is a financial instrument that allows you to buy or sell an asset at a specified price for delivery on a predetermined date in the future. Futures contracts are used either to hedge or to speculate on the direction of prices and generate profits through cash market activities and hedging in the futures or speculating by either buying or selling first and covering your position at a profit or loss later. Futures trading basics can be complex, so it is important to understand how they work before getting started. Registering for a simulated account makes the most sense.

The first thing you need to know about futures trading 101 is understanding how futures contracts work. The Futures Trading Basics. A futures contract is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell a specific amount of an asset at an agreed-upon price sometime in the future. This agreement creates leverage for both buyers and sellers, allowing them to use less capital than would otherwise be possible if they invested directly in the asset.

Futures trading is a great way to hedge against market volatility. Investors can use futures contracts to reduce their risk exposure by taking advantage of price movements in either direction. By using futures, traders can gain exposure to the underlying asset without having to own it outright.

When trading futures contracts, it is important to understand the specifications that come with each contract. For Physically delivered contracts such as grains, precious metals, currencies and interest rates the size of the contract, first notice of delivery date, delivery date, settlement date, expiration date, and margin requirements. For financially settled contracts, size, last trading day. roll date, margin requirements. Knowing these details will help you make educated decisions when trading futures contracts. Additionally, understanding how various factors such as supply and demand can affect futures prices is also important.

Futures contracts are typically identified by a Futures symbol. These symbols help traders identify different types of contracts with different future delivery dates so they can easily buy and sell them when needed. For example, the E-mini S&P 500 futures contract has the symbol ES: add the month and year ESZ23 (Z=December, 23 =year 2023). Knowing what these symbols stand for will help you quickly identify the type of futures contract you would like to trade.

Once you have an understanding of how futures contracts work, it’s time to start trading! To do this, you’ll need to find a suitable broker who can provide you with access to the markets. Here at CannonTrading we have brokers and registered account executives with literally decades of experience. We recommend new traders try a simulated trading software such as CannonPro TM. There are different types of brokers available depending on your level of experience and budget. Do your research and make sure to read reviews so you can find the best broker for you. At CannonTrading Inc we accommodate all types of traders from around the globe.

Traders should also keep an eye on liquidity indicators. Although not as important for the longer term trader, liquidity is important when trading futures as it determines how easy it will be for you to get into or out of a position. Higher liquidity usually means better pricing and faster execution speeds when entering or exiting trades.

When trading futures, choosing the optimal time frame is also essential for success. Different markets have different levels of volatility that traders need to take into account when deciding what time frame works best for them. You should also know the trading hours of the contracts you are trading.

Finally, it’s important to be aware of daily price limits when trading futures contracts. Price limits are set by exchanges and are intended to provide an additional layer of protection against rapid and large movements in price. Contact your Cannon Broker for information regarding the price limits or trading halts for the contracts you are attracted to. Knowing how these daily price limits and trading halts work will help you better understand how to manage your risk.

When trading futures, it’s important to be aware of common mistakes made by beginners. These include overtrading, taking too much risk and not having a clear entry or exit strategy. Additionally, newcomers should also be sure to understand the fees charged. A good broker will confirm with you during the account opening process the commission rate you have agreed to work with. All Cannon brokers do this for their clients.

Learning about futures trading can provide aspiring investors with an understanding of how this asset class works and what to watch out for. Once you have a good handle on the basics, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions when trading futures contracts and potentially unlock new ways to profit in the futures market.

Overall, trading futures can be a profitable venture if done correctly, and gaining an understanding of the basics is essential to success. Understanding how futures contracts work, what symbols they use, how to select a suitable broker and the importance of liquidity indicators are all important topics that any trader should learn to get started trading futures. Additionally, familiarising yourself with daily price limits, position limits and fees associated with trades will help ensure you make smart decisions when trading futures contracts. Lastly, being aware of common mistakes made by beginners and taking your time to understand all aspects of trading futures will set you up for long-term success in this asset class.

Remember to always do your research and make sure to read reviews so you can find the best broker for you. And don’t forget, if you refer a friend, some brokers offer you lowered round turn commissions.

Good luck! We wish you success in your trading journey!

Happy Trading!

*Futures Trading is risky and not suitable for everyone.

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